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inscom Event-Summary

inscom Song by Johann Ranft


Interview Robert Cummings
Senior Vice President, Global Head of Insurance, SAP SE

Interview Patric Deflorin
Leiter Versicherungen, Die Mobiliar

Interview Dipl.Bw. Roland Grimm
Programmdirektor UIP, UNIQA Insurance Group AG

Interview Antony J. Jacob
Worldwide Insurance Business Development, Amazon Web Services

Interview Paul Meeusen
CEO, B3i Services AG,The Blockchain Insurance Industry Initiative

Interview Dr. Andreas Nolte
CIO, Allianz Deutschland AG

Interview Burkhard Oppenberg
Konzern-CIO, Gothaer Systems GmbH

Interview Stefan Riedel
Vice President, Insurance Europe, IBM

Interview Dr. Roman Rittweger
Vorstandsvorsitzender, ottonova Holding AG

Interview Andreas Schönherr
Managing Director, Finance Reinsurance,
Swiss Reinsurance Company

Interview Prof. Dr. Markus Warg  
Mitglied des Vorstands, SIGNAL IDUNA Gruppe

Interview Dr. Theo Waigel
Bundesfinanzminister a.D.

Interview Werner Weiss
Geschäftsführer Insiders Technologies GmbH

Interview Herbert Wild  
Project Manager, NOVENTI Factory GmbH

Interview Holger Witzemann
Geschäftsführer, AOK Systems GmbH

Interview Hans Zehetmaier
Vorstandsvorsitzender, msg

Interview Bernhard Lang
Vorstand, msg

Interview Sven Roehl
Co-Founder of Cookhouse Lab,
CEO, msg global solutions Canada
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